Prof. Dr. Pradeep G. Siddheshwar
Research and Development Cell & Director, Centre for Mathematical Needs CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Educational Qualification
M.Sc.(Mathematics) from Karnatak University – 1980
Ph.D. (Mathematics) from Bangalore University – 1986
Teaching and research experience
40 years at Bangalore University 3 years at CHRIST University
Number of Ph.D. and Post-Doc students guided Ph.D. – 23
Of these 4 Ph.D. students were NET/SLET Scholars, 2 students were recipients of Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship and 4 students were recipients of Young Scientist award of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, India.
Post-Doc – 2
Of the 2 Post – Doc students, one received the D. S. Kothari fellowship. Currently two students are working for their Ph.D. degree.
Number of research publications
Over 200 in reputed international journals that includes one in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics
brought out from the Cambridge University, and 9 in the Physics of Fluids.
Research Collaboration
Collaborated with over 30 researchers from India and Abroad.
Current work
Current work involves parameter-driven-dynamical-systems of the extended-Lorenz-Model type with two or three quadratic nonlinearities. Due to the fact that shallow-neural-networks do not aptly model such systems, very-deep-neural-networks are being used. Regular convection, weakly chaotic and strongly chaotic motions, and periodic motions are studied using bifurcation diagrams, largest Lyapunov exponents, frequency spectrum and fractal dimension.
Awards and recognitions
- President of India award 1983
- Young Scientist award 1992
- Indian Mathematical Society prize 1996
- Japanese Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship
- William Mong Fellowship of the University of Hong Kong
- Chandna Award from the University of Windsor, Canada
- Sir C. V. Raman award
- Royal Society Incoming Fellowship, London, 2007
- Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications(FIMA) – Feb. 2008
- Visiting Researcher, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai, March 2009
- Visiting Researcher, University of Nottingham, 2010
- Visiting Researcher, National University of Malaysia, 2010
- Visiting Researcher, Chile, 2011
- Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (FNASc) – 2012
- TUBITAK Visiting Researcher Fellowship, Turkey, 2012
- Visiting Researcher, National University of Malaysia, 2013-14.
- President, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for the year 2014-15
- Distinguished visiting researcher, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2015.
- Visiting Researcher, University of Malaya, 2015.
- Visiting Researcher, University of West Indies, 2015, 2017.
- Elected as invited speaker for the Prestigious Professor B. R. Seth Memorial lecture at the 61st Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for the year 2016.
- Elected as invited speaker for the Prestigious Professor P. L. Bhatnagar Memorial lecture at the 83rd Annual conference of the Indian Mathematical Society (IMS) to be held at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India during December 12-15, 2017.
- Visiting Researcher, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China, 2018
- Visiting Researcher, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China, 2019
- Visiting Researcher, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019
- Visiting Researcher, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2021
- Visiting Professor, University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia, 2022, 2023
- Visiting Researcher, University of Tarapaca, Chile, 2023
- Has appeared in the Stanford 2% list of leading researchers for 5th consecutive time.
Visited more than 30 countries on visiting assignments or for delivering invited talks.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nesimi Ertugrul
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Areas : Power Electronics, renewable energy systems, grid-scale battery storage systems, microgrids and EVs
Title : Power Grid Revolution: From Legacy Systems to a Sustainable Future
Nesimi Ertuğrul is holding a BSc, Master’s, and PhD in the field of electrical and electronic engineering He has been with the University of Adelaide, Australia, since 1994, where he is an A/Prof, specializing in applications of power electronics—an essential technology in renewable energy, battery storage systems, and electric vehicles. His research interests also extend to interactive computer-aided teaching and learning systems, remote access, and distance learning laboratories, involving object-oriented programming and signal conditioning, as well as data acquisition. Dr. Ertuğrul has overseen the research of more than 30 PhD and Master’s students and has been the chief investigator on numerous grants, funds, and consultancy projects, generating significant research income. Additionally, he has been the guest editor for three scientific journals. With 3 solo-authored books, 4 book chapters, more than 195 journal and conference papers, and 5 patents to his name, Dr. Ertuğrul has made substantial contributions to his field. He has chaired international conferences, delivered keynote speeches, and served as a technical committee member. As a senior member of the IEEE, he has also served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Systems Journal. Dr. Ertuğrul has been featured in various media outlets, including radio and TV stations, newspapers, and social media platforms, primarily discussing the future of power systems, electric vehicles, battery storage systems, and renewable energy.
This keynote explores the fascinating journey of power grids, tracing their historical development and the challenges they face today. We’ll take a global snapshot of electricity generation, examining the rise of renewable energy sources and the evolving energy landscape.
The discussion will delve into grid modernization efforts, highlighting the electrification of various sectors like transportation and industry. However, we won’t shy away from the challenges: ensuring smooth integration of variable renewable energy, maximizing efficiency, maintaining power quality, and safeguarding against security threats.
Ultimately, this keynote sets the stage for a critical conversation about the future of power grids. We’ll explore the necessity of transformation and pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure for generations to come.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Asri Mat Teridi
Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI),
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Areas: Energy material (solar cells, photocatalyst, etc)
Presentation Title : Modification of Fabrication Procedures Towards 1 cm2-Sized Perovskite Solar Cells In 30-50% Humidity
Mohd Asri Mat Teridi graduated from Loughborough University, UK, in 2012. He joined the Solar Energy Research Institute, National University of Malaysia in 2007, as a Junior Research Fellow/Lecturer. After he received his PhD, he was appointed as a Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer in 2013 at the same university. In years of 2021 he has been promoted to Associate professor. He has authored over 130 research papers, 1 book, 7 books chapters and own 10 patents. The innovation and invention in renewable energy technology have won 3 gold medals in national and international innovation and invention competitions including special innovation award. Recent research activity has focused on the development of solar cell including perovskite and polymer solar cells and also developing new photocatalysis materials.

Dr. Irwanda Wisnu Wardhana
Research Center for Cooperative, Corporation, and People’s Economy, at Indonesia National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Mr. Irwanda Wisnu Wardhana is the Head of the Research Center for Cooperative, Corporation, and People’s Economy – the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency.
He is a public policy professional with 23 years of substantial experience designing, leading, advocating, and implementing a broad range of policy initiatives in the public sector, corporations, and civil society organizations. Before joining BRIN, he worked as a Researcher at the Fiscal Policy Agency, Indonesia Ministry of Finance.
Doctor Wardhana’s areas of specialization are political economy, business economics, sustainability, and fiscal policy. He has outstanding achievements and experience at government agencies and state corporations. He speaks at nationwide and international events. To express views, articulate opinions, and advocate policy changes, he is publicizing findings and policy recommendations in global and national reputable publications such as journal articles, book articles, books, and op-editorial articles in more than 40 published materials.
He earned a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Political Economy from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2016, a master’s degree in Public Policy from Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo in 2010, and the Bachelor of Applied Science from the Indonesian Polytechnique of State Finance STAN in 2005.